Category Archives: Episode

Voices from Israel: For the Trans and Gender Diverse Community, Support through Crisis

Brit Ha’Leviot — a Good People Fund grantee in Israel — works to protect and promote the rights and well-being of trans and gender diverse youth and their families, and educate institutions like schools, and greater Israeli society. Co-Founder Merav Livni Keish speaks to GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger about how the organization is adjusting to meet unprecedented needs since Oct. 7, and keeping its community intact.

This is Voices from Israel … a companion podcast of Good People Talk! … where Good People Fund grantees in Israel share how they are pivoting to meet urgent and evolving needs since the country was attacked and war began.
The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

Voices From Israel: Helping Asylum Seekers in Israel During the War

In this second episode of Voices From Israel, Good People Fund Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger welcomes and introduces Julie Fisher as GPF’s new Director of Engagement. Julie was the Founder and Director of the Consortium for Israel and the Asylum Seekers, and describes challenges to the asylee population in Israel before and since Oct. 7, and how the nonprofit sector is helping this vulnerable community.

This is Voices From Israel, a special podcast series of The Good People Fund where GPF grantees and partners describe their work responding to the Oct. 7 attack on Israel and the resulting war.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

Voices from Israel: Addressing Trauma in Israel

Sahar — a Good People Fund grantee — has for more than two decades offered volunteer-based online support to Israelis experiencing mental and emotional distress. Since the horrific attack on Israel on October 7, the organization has geared up to meet unprecedented need for its services. In this first episode of Voices from Israel, GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger speaks with Sahar CEO Yael Levy, who describes the trauma among Israelis and how Sahar is meeting the moment.

This is Voices from Israel … a companion podcast of Good People Talk! … where Good People Fund grantees in Israel share how they are pivoting to meet urgent and evolving needs since the country was attacked and war began.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

The Good People Fund (un)conference: Artist, Activist and Educator Jon Adam Ross on the Power of our Stories

As The Good People Fund (un)conference approaches, our guest is featured speaker Jon Adam Ross — a New York-based artist, activist and educator, and co-founding artist and Executive Director of the In(HEIR)itance Project. In this dynamic episode, Jon describes the power of harnessing our stories and narratives to fuel and deepen our work and advance positive change. He speaks with GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger.

The Good People Fund and the GPF (un)conference:

The In(HEIR)itance Project:

The Good People Fund Journal of Good 2022:

Music as Medicine

After Irwin Rosenstein (z”l) was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and later dementia, his wife Carol discovered that music making eased his condition and uplifted his spirits. So the two founded Music Mends Minds — a Good People Fund grantee based in Los Angeles — to create musical support groups benefiting individuals with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases … as well as their families and caregivers. Carol speaks with GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger about their remarkable journey and its greater impact.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund Journal of Good 2022:

The Good People Fund (un)conference: A Conversation with Keynote Speaker Rabbi Joel Mosbacher

As The Good People Fund’s (un)conference approaches in November, our guest is Rabbi Joel Mosbacher of Temple Shaaray Tefila in NYC, host of the two-day event. Rabbi Mosbacher — who will be a keynote speaker at the (un)conference — describes its significance to the Shaaray Tefila community, and shares his compelling social action journey, one that began with family tragedy and is now making impact addressing gun violence. He speaks with GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund Journal of Good 2022:

Do Not Stand Idly By Campaign


In Israel, Preserving Dignity and Autonomy for the Vulnerable

MARVA — a Good People Fund grantee — was founded in 2015 by Israeli attorneys and social welfare experts who wanted to assist and empower Israelis facing difficulties caring for their personal welfare, well-being and legal rights. GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger speaks with Dr. Mickey Schindler and Dr. Michal Wosner of MARVA.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund Journal of Good 2022:

In Israel, Combating Food Waste and Elevating Food Justice

EAT — formerly known as Pesia’s Kitchen — is an Israeli non profit and Good People Fund grantee — combating food waste while elevating food justice for under-resourced populations and communities.
EAT Co-Founder and President Gideon Ben Ami and EAT Executive Director Yoni Ben Ami are a father and son team inspired to make impact by Gideon’s late grandmother, Pesia. They speak with GPF Executive Director and Good People Talk host Naomi Eisenberger.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund Journal of Good 2022:

Practicing English … and Finding Hope and Friendships

In underserved communities in Israel, English proficiency can mean the difference between economic and social success, and stagnation. English B’Yachad — English Together — is a Good People Fund grantee making online pairings between Israeli young adults and North American volunteers to advance English language skills, create positive futures … and form friendships in the process. Founder Marla Gamoran describes the program’s remarkable trajectory and impact with GPF Exec. Dir. Naomi Eisenberger.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund Journal of Good 2022:

Uplifting Bedouin Children and Families in Israel

In Israel’s Negev, the Bedouin community is mired in a generational cycle of economic and educational stagnation. Al Baqour — a Good People Fund grantee — is using innovative approaches to early childhood education and family empowerment to break it … while respecting the traditional groundings of the community. GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger speaks with Shlomit Somech-Lehmann, CEO of Al Baqour, and Dr. Foad El Sana, its executive director.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund Journal of Good 2022: