Category Archives: Episode

In Israel, Countering Racism and Hate

Tag Meir (“Light Tag”) — a Good People Fund grantee — was founded in 2011 by Gadi Gvaryahu to counter racism in Israel, and has grown to lead a coalition of more than 50 organizations across political, religious and cultural spheres to mobilize voices for coexistence, support victims of hate crimes, and more. Since October 7, the work of Tag Meir is especially crucial as tensions rise in the country and region. “We don’t have the privilege to give up,” says Gadi, in this timely conversation with GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger.

Share to your social media and elsewhere to raise awareness of the critical work of Tag Meir and how GPF support makes it possible.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

(un)conference Preview! Songs of Love, with John Beltzer

Come November, at The Good People Fund’s (un)conference in New York, singer-songwriter John Beltzer will bring us into his unique zone of good … leading attendees as we give our voices to a song personalized for a child facing a serious medical challenge.

Since 1996, John’s Songs of Love Foundation has touched the lives of tens of thousands of children and teens in this way. By crafting free, original and customized songs for them — written and recorded by a network of talented singer–songwriters — the Foundation is providing solace, relief and escape, and expanding a community of care and compassion.

In this episode of Good People Talk, John speaks with GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger about the vision, the growth, and the impact … and what he has planned when he presents at GPF’s (un)conference this fall.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

Fighting Online Antisemitism

With antisemitism rising exponentially and perniciously on cyber platforms, Fighting Online Antisemitism — a Good People Fund grantee based in Israel — uses its corps of 3,000 trained volunteers around the world and AI to monitor online spaces, report antisemitic content, and move to eliminate it. In this very timely episode of Good People Talk, Fighting Online Antisemitism Founder and Executive Director Tomer Aldubi describes the challenge and how FOA is making a measurable difference.

Share to your social media and elsewhere to raise awareness of the critical work of FOA and how GPF support makes it possible.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

For Jewish Students, Navigating Surging Antisemitism on Campus

Since Oct 7, colleges are flashpoints of antisemitism and anti-Zionism. TribeTalk, a Good People Fund grantee, is equipping Jewish college students with knowledge, resources and confidence to navigate through this challenging reality … and giving college-bound students information on what to expect when they arrive on campus.

Jude Sydney and Robin Friedman are co-founders of TribeTalk. In this episode they speak with GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger about how TribeTalk is meeting the moment with urgency and impact.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

Journal of Good (Annual Reports)

Embracing Real Hope, In Trying and Challenging Times

In our severely challenged world — as we look to define and grasp hope — Rabbi Debra Orenstein sat with Good People Fund Director of Engagement Julie Fisher to talk about her own journey to hope … the value of hope to our mental and physical well beings … practical tips for all of us to embrace and elevate hope … and much more.

Rabbi Debra is spiritual leader at Congregation B’nai Israel in Emerson, NJ, and a nationally known Jewish educator and commentator on the theory and practice of hope, and the Jewish wisdom surrounding it. She recently taught a six-part online workshop, “Real Hope” — the inaugural series in GPF’s Good People Learn program.

“Real Hope” Session 5 — “Meeting Hope Heroes”

More about Rabbi Debra Orenstein

The Good People Fund

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good

Good People Learn: Real Hope

From Trauma to Impact: Ending Child Abuse and Exploitation

Amy Ever, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, is the Founder and CEO of A Courageous Voice — educating and equipping children, parents, teachers and community leaders with the knowledge and tools to end the scourge of child abuse, neglect and exploitation rooted in both on- and offline spaces. Amy talks about her journey from trauma to impact with GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

The Good People Fund, Live from Israel

Three of our visionary grantees in Israel vividly describe how they’re meeting new challenges since the terrorist attacks of Oct. 7, and staying true to their passions and missions elevating good and hope — and uplifting the communities they serve with renewed resolve.

While in Israel in March, GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger and GPF Director of Engagement Julie Fisher sat with Avraham Hayon of S.A.H.I., Yael Noy of Road to Recovery, and Shlomit Somech-Lehmann of Al-Baqour for a live Zoom event (link below), here presented in audio-only podcast format.

Live from Israel Zoom Recording:

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

50 Doses of Good

We’re at our 50th episode of Good People Talk! Marking this milestone moment, we’ve handed the microphone over to special guest host — Jodi Rudoren, Editor-in-Chief of the Forward and former Jerusalem Bureau Chief of The New York Times — as she discovers The Good People Fund’s secret sauce for building and sustaining a community of Good People creating positive change in a challenged and conflicted world. Jodi sits with GPF Co-Founder and Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger, and GPF Director of Engagement Julie Fisher.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

More About Guest Host Jodi Rudoren:

Turning Grief into Purpose

Blyth Taylor Lord founded Courageous Parents Network in 2014 — some years after her daughter, Cameron, and her nephew, Hayden, both died from infantile Tay-Sachs. Blyth turned her grief into purpose. CPN — a GPF alum grantee — uses education, advocacy and community to equip and empower parents of children with serious medical conditions. She speaks with GPF Exec. Director Naomi Eisenberger.

This is Good People Talk, where Good People Fund grantees describe how their vision, passion and mission are making impact in communities in the US, Israel and elsewhere around the world.

The Good People Fund:

The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good:

Voices from Israel: During Wartime, Maintaining Community for Youth Across Abilities

For youth across the spectrum of developmental, physical and learning abilities, the war presents unique challenges. Beth Steinberg and Miriam Avraham — both mothers of children with Down syndrome — are the Founding Directors of Shutaf (“partner” in Hebrew) — practicing an inclusionary model of informal programming for kids, teens, and young adults across abilities. In this conversation with Good People Fund Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger, Beth and Miriam talk about the war’s effect on their work and impact.

The Good People Fund:
The Good People Fund 2023 Journal of Good: